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New perimeter price list 2022-I
Published by Communication Office in Business · Wednesday 31 Aug 2022
Tags: perimeterpricelist
In this period, it seems that everything is more expensive: gasoline, energy, grocery ... In GPS Standard we are trying to do our part to fight this inflationary trend. How?
Thanks to constant investments in R&D, the new price list contains solutions capable of lowering the cost of an underground GPS plus system by up to 10%, using the new PGPS2023 carbon polymer sensor and the new PUCP2116 connection cable.
Even on the latest born within GPS Standard portfolio, the BeeS, we have managed to reduce the cost of the PB-CMS-50 cable by over 15%.
Not only that, despite the increase in aluminium costs, we have decided not to adjust the cost of our historic IPS infrared barriers.
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P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e R. I. (AO) n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |

P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e num. Iscrizione Reg. Impr. Aosta n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |
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