Ethic, health and safety
Unternehmen > ESG - Corporate

GPS Standard Srl has decided to adopt an Ethical Conduct Code of Business to express its moral commitments and responsibilities in the conduct of business and corporate activities undertaken by all those who have relationships of any nature with, and on behalf of, GPS Standard Srl.
The rules contained in our Code of Business Conduct have the assumption of compliance with all legal provisions and the adoption of ethically correct and fair conduct by all the recipient corporate subjects and all those who, for any reason, operate for the Company, even if only occasionally.
To this end, in conjunction with the introduction of the Code of Ethics, a Supervisory Board has been set up with control and monitoring tasks to which the HR manager and the Management will be part. The Code of Ethics, therefore, is proposed as a reference behavioral model for all those who work for GPS Standard Srl, required to adapt their behavior to the principles of loyalty and honesty already shared by the Company.
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct was drafted in order to set out the ethical / moral principles to which the Company adheres and conforms, so as to allow each recipient to know them easily and to be able to conform to them their actions. The provisions contained in the Code incorporate or refer to the regulations and procedures that must be followed by all the recipients, in compliance with the provisions of the collective labor agreements and the applicable laws in any case.
The Code has a broad and general scope, but evidently it cannot include all the issues and circumstances that may arise in the workplace. The fact that certain conduct or circumstances have not been dealt with in this Code does not imply that the ethical or legal standards provided for therein cannot be applied to them.
The Code contains compliance standards and streamlined operating procedures to facilitate implementation operations. Furthermore, prompt and decisive action is envisaged in the face of violations of the Code, so as to ensure compliance with the principles enshrined therein.
Recipients are asked to read and confirm that they have read and understood the Code of Ethics, as well as to commit themselves to respecting its contents.
GPS Standard Srl adapts to the letter and spirit of the legislative provisions regulating its activities and conducts its business in compliance with the best moral, professional, legal and ethical standards. Therefore, each recipient of our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct should behave in such a way as to ensure:
A) that relations with employees, customers, suppliers, officials of the Public Administration are conducted with honesty, integrity and consistency, in compliance with applicable laws, Ethical Standards and Company rules of conduct;
B) that any law and / or regulation is violated.
Any doubts about the opportunity or the ethical or legal nature of any work must be communicated to your manager.
Recipients are required to promptly report any violation, or suspected violation, of the provisions of this Code or other regulation to the Supervisory Body, identified within the Organizational, Management and Control Model adopted.
The aforementioned communication can take place by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address of the Supervisory Board. Each report received will remain completely confidential and will be treated in full compliance with the rules for the protection of privacy. The general principles which the recipients of the Code of Ethics, each due to their role, must comply with are listed below.
Offenses against the Public Administration
Computer crimes and unlawful data processing
Organized crime offenses and transnational crimes
Corporate offenses
Crimes against the individual personality
Anti-money laundering
Environmental crimes
Racism and xenophobia
Compliance with the CCNL and current regulations
Use of company assets
Conflict of interest
Equal opportunities
Sexual harassment
Use or possession of drugs in the workplace