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Company > ESG - Corporate
GPS Standard adopts an integrated Quality/Environment/Safety-Management system. For our customer, our employees and being attentive to the environment are fundamental elements of our daily job. Our corporate vision focuses on continuous business growth and constant improvement of work-releted and non-work-releted activities and market competitiveness.
Here are the certifications we have obtained:
ISO 9001
UNI EN ISO  45001:2018
ISO 9001:2015

With this certification, company activities, processes and services have been tested to achieve the goal of having a high level of optimization of growth and business development
UNI EN ISO  45001:2018

With this certification, the requirements for which workers operate in safe conditions and in work environments appropriate to their duties are guaranteed
EMAS 1086
EMAS & ISO 14001: 2015

With the EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) registration, GPS Standard was found compliant to the provisions of the European Regulation n.1221 / 2009. A more rational management of environmental aspects is available on the basis not only of compliance with legal limits, but also on the continuous improvement of its environmental performance together with the direct involvement of employees.

With the ISO 14001 certification, the environmental standards applied to the management and production systems of the company have been defined.
If you want to receive a copy of our environmental declaration, please contact us by clicking HERE! Our safety and environmental manager is at your disposal. Furthermore, to find out more about the concrete actions we take every day to work in a sustainable way, visit our page dedicated to sustainability.

Ethics | Green Policy | Contact Us | Work with us | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Sitemap | (+39) 0125-968611 |


About GPS Standard | Ethics | Green Policy | Contact Us | Work with us | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Sitemap | (+39) 0125-968611 |
P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e R. I. (AO) n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |

P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e num. Iscrizione Reg. Impr. Aosta n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |
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