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Hight security sites to which are added specific peculiarities, such as extreme climatic conditions and operating conditions with particularly high risks for the safety of people. All these conditions impose a careful risk analysis and a sophisticated design able to lead to a careful selection of the technologies and related equipment, in order to guarantee the realization of efficient and effective systems.

Throughout the world and particularly in the areas at greatest risk, we protect against the various types of industrial sites from sabotage, vandalism and attacks; we assure the safety of people in classified areas with high danger of explosion; we control the industrial process areas. Our solutions have been chosen for their reliability even in particularly difficult environments and in extreme environmental conditions.

Systems and alarm systems for each application, full wireless and with video verification, always connected to the Cloud. Mobile devices always synchronized with alerts and instant messaging.
GPS Standard is the leading company in the security sector, and it is present, with discretion, in many important companies as partners in the creation of sophisticated intrusion detection and video surveillance systems. In more than 45 years of activity, the company has affirmed its position thanks to constant investments in research, in the design activity and the application of the most sophisticated digital and IT technologies.
sistemi interrati invisibili, sistemi a fibra ottica, sistemi a onde elettromagnetiche e a infrarossi
sistemi interrati invisibili, sistemi a fibra ottica, sistemi a onde elettromagnetiche e a infrarossi
sistemi interrati invisibili, sistemi a fibra ottica, sistemi a onde elettromagnetiche e a infrarossi
sistemi interrati invisibili, sistemi a fibra ottica, sistemi a onde elettromagnetiche e a infrarossi
invisible underground perimeter protection systems, fiber optic systems, electromagnetic wave and infrared systems
wired and radio trasmmiting burglar alarm systems
analogic and IP CCTV systems
analogic and IP CCTV systems
We work closely with the most important research laboratories and university centers in the world to meet your security needs. Thanks to our technical assistance team and project engineering skills, we support our customers from the design phase to on-site testing.
A transparent commercial strategy towards our partners, impeccable logistical support always close to the customer, training courses and availability of qualified telephone and on-site technical assistance.

Ethics | Green Policy | Contact Us | Work with us | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Sitemap | (+39) 0125-968611 |


About GPS Standard | Ethics | Green Policy | Contact Us | Work with us | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Sitemap | (+39) 0125-968611 |
P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e R. I. (AO) n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |

P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e num. Iscrizione Reg. Impr. Aosta n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |
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