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SNAKE - perimeter protection system
Solutions > Perimeter protections > Fence-mounted protections
SNAKE – Fibre optic system for fences
Snake in fibra ottica
By using opto-phonic technology it detects all the intrusion attempts such as climbing, butting or the breaking through of a fence; in case of indoor application, it warns against potential attempts to break through or penetrate the wall.

Structures such as: mesh fences, bar fences, concrete and brick walls, construction walls, rooftops and cable trays.

4x2000m (Stand Alone) / 512 Km (Multiplex).

Max 2000m single pass / max 1000m double pass.

Easy to mount on fencing, wall or roof. Digital signal analysis with programmable pattern recognition distinguishes between different types of attack and is extremely reliable. Not affected by electromagnetic distrubs and lightening . No electricity in the field.

SNAKE™ is a perimeter protection system using fibre optics for the detection, suitable for internal and external applications. It uses optophonic technology to detect, in external applications, all typical attempts to climb, cut or break through a fence and for internal applications it can indicate attempts to break through or penetrate a wall. The advantages that fibre optic technology provides for fence mounted perimeter detection are, among many, accurate detection, the ability to cover long distances without the need for intermediate power supplies and in particular the complete immunity to high frequency interference from high voltage lines or atmospheric disturbances. It is also well suited to sites with corrosive or inflammable atmospheres or subject to extreme temperatures.

SNAKE™ is available in a Stand-Alone version (single channel, two-channels and four-channels), for a maximum protection lenght of 8,000 mt (four zones with a lenght of 2,000 mt each), and in Multiplex version (two-channels and four- channels) for a maximum protection lenght of 512 Km, with a single perimeter control unit (MIND). The architecture allows to interconnec up to 64 MIND™ units.

The sensing element is the optical fibre that carries light signals. These are subjected to variations directly correlated to the physical variations in the cable caused by intrusion attempts or by variations in the area surrounding the optical fibre.

The DSP - Digital Signal Processor- processes and analyses the variations in the signal generated by the differences between the transmitted and received light signals. It uses a sophisticated software algorithm, discriminating between natural phenomena, such as wind, rain, hail, etc, from attempted cut or climb intrusions.

Also, by simulating the actual events that must be detected, it is possible to add these to the installation in real working conditions and optimise the detection parameters, drastically reducing the potential for false alarms. SNAKE™ is able to manage up to four optical fibre sensors.

- Signal processing in the time domain.
- Signal processing in the frequency domain.
- Combined frequency-time processing.
- Use of masks to characterize and recognize signals sent by sensors.
- Detection of signal energy levels (spectrum analysis).
- Listing per category of signal energy matrixes.
- Local recording, self- calibration.
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P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e R. I. (AO) n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |

P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e num. Iscrizione Reg. Impr. Aosta n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |
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