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TPS - perimeter protection system
Solutions > Perimeter protections > Selfstanding protections
TPS – Wire System
Wires connected to special sensory poles detect unusual movement in the fence and form a physical barrier.

LOCATIONCan be used over or behind existing fences / walls or as a barrier on its own.

Modular system. From 30m to 31km with one MIND unit (Multiplex only for electronic version).

Per 60 metres with proper installation.

Phisical and sensible barrier in one system. Not affected by animals or weather.
TPS™, Taut-wire Perimeter System is a self-standing pole structure, constituting a real physical barrier, sensitive to any stress generated by attempted intrusion. This system is especially suitable for anti-climb protection (over a wall), or whenever a physical barrier is needed (fence). Two types of pole sensors are available: TPSE100 and TPSM200. The first uses an electronic sensor, while the second a mechanical one. The system is modular and allows protection of long perimeters. TPS™ consists of a variable number of parallel plain or barbed wires, at a min. distance apart of 15 cm for TPSM and 9cm for TPSE, connected to a pole sensor, which is the active part of the system.

Mechanical TPS™ cannot be configured as a multiplex system and the protection of one pole sensor covers 60 mt. Electronic TPS™ is available as a Stand-Alone version, for maximum protection of 480 mt, and in Multiplex version, for maximum protection of 31 Km, with a single perimeter control unit (MIND™). The architecture allows interconnection of up to 64 MIND™ units.

The electronic TPS™ pole sensor detects any movement of the taut wire as a result of mechanical stress via the sensitive component, which is a microphonic cable. Dependent on the separation force applied to the taut wires, a signal is generated which, after appropriate amplification stages, is sent to the concentrator. This, in turn, examines and translates the signal into warning or alarm signals. The threshold is tailored to the needs of each individual installation. The mechanical TPS™ pole sensor houses the mechanical sensors (joystick), mechanically connected to the wires. A movement of the wire during the intrusion attempt, moves the joystick that mechanically acts on a switch, generating the alarm condition.

- Modular system.
- Detection of mechanical stress.
- Differential analysis of signals.
- Sensibility calibration per leg (60m).
- Constituting a real physical barrier.
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P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e R. I. (AO) n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |

P.IVA IT00473450070 | Cod.Fiscale e num. Iscrizione Reg. Impr. Aosta n.00473450070 | REA Aosta n.43618 |
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